Vishwamohan Bhatt

Vishwamohan Bhatt

Mrittika, Inc. – A South Asian Center for Language and Heritage will celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of its founding with a musical program on Sunday, May 19, 2013 4:00pm-8:00pm at the auditorium of the Marlboro Middle School located at 355 County Route 520 in Marlboro, New Jersey.

The highlight of the program will be Indian classical and fusion music performance by the Grammy award winner musician, Pandit Viswamohan Bhatt. The maestro is going to play his enchanting Mohan Veena (modified slide guitar) for us. It would be a privilege for us and especially our next generation to see him in person and hear him perform on this unique instrument. Pandit Bhatt will be accompanied on tabla by the Tabla wizard, Pandit Subhen Chatterjee.Time permitting, there may be a Q&A session with the celebrity artists. Continue reading

Voice and It’s Power: Conversation with Kulraaj Anand

EBC Drama Club: Episode 3

Kulraaj Anand

Kulraaj Anand

“Voice is something that not only an actor needs to develop, anybody who wants to communicate effectively must learn how to develop and use his or her voice”, says Kulraaj Anand, the popular host of EBC Radio. In this episode of EBC drama club, I chat with Kulraaj who talks about how one can go about developing their voice and why. He also demonstrates voice exercises and presents an improvisational piece for the audience. Enjoy the show.

Note: You may subscribe to this and other podcasts through itunes for free.

2013 Gayatri GaMarsh Memorial Awards for Literary Excellence Invitation for Nominations

Anandamandir is  pleased to invite nominations for the 2013 Gayatri Memorial Awards for Literary Excellence. These awards were established by Jerry GaMarsh in 2010 to honor his late wife, Gayatri GaMarsh, who was a highly talented author, artist and sculptor and a warmly regarded member of the Ananda Mandir community in NJ. Two awards are given every year, and each winner receives $500 in cash and a commemorative plaque.

The winners of 2011 awards were Gouri Datta of Massachusetts (for her creative writings in Bengali) and Tathagata Ghosh of New Jersey (for his creative writings in English). In 2012, the awards were given to Eva Khashnobish of Delhi, India (Bengali) and Bakul Banerjee of Illinois (English) and Kooheli Chatterji (English).

Authors who have published creative writings in periodicals (and websites) published in North America are encouraged to submit nominations per the guidelines given below. Third-party nominations are welcome but concurrence of the nominated authors must be obtained in advance. Continue reading

Raag-Rang Celebrates It’s 5th Year

Raag-Rang is celebrating completion of it’s 5th year
with a concert dedicated to the memory of Pt. V.G.Jog and Pt Ravi Shankar.
Date and time: Sunday, 9th June 4 pm sharp
Venue: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Princeton, Channing Hall, 50 Cherry Hill Road, Princeton, NJ 08540.

Featured musicians are :

Raag Rang Concert

Raag Rang Concert

Pt Barun Kumar Pal – Hansa Veena, a modified slide guitar
Ragas, Talas and compositions created by Ravi Shankar; rendered by one of the senior-most disciples of Ravi Shankar. Hansa Veena is the only instrument named and launched by Ravi Shankar. He will accompanied on the tabla by Samir Chatterjee.

Samir Chatterjee – Tabla Solo
A frequent accompanist of Ravi Shankar, Samir Chatterjee will offer us a unique experience of the music of tabla – an obvious, yet new creative approach to one of the most popular percussion of the world. He will be accompanied by Shree Kedar Naphade on the harmonium. Continue reading

Conversation with Sudipto Chatterjee : EBC Drama Club Episode 2, Part 2

Man of The Heart

Man of The Heart

In the second part of the conversation, Sudipto talks about the impact of colonialism on Lalon Phokir’s philosophy and music, about his working relationship with director Sumon Mukhopadhyay and his future projects. Please listen to the first part of the conversation from our previous post. A brief biography of Sudipto Chatterjee is also given there.

Conversation with Sudipto Chatterjee : EBC Drama Club Episode 2, Part 1

Man of The Heart

Man of The Heart

During our second broadcast of the EBC Radio Club on EBC Radio, we had a long telephone chat with Sudipto Chatterjee, a distinguished theatre person who teaches Drama at the Loughborough University in UK. In this part of the show, Sudipto talks about how he conceived and planned his highly acclaimed one person docudrama, “Man of the Heart”, which was directed by Sumon Mukhopadhyay.  The podcast of the first part of the show is given below.

Following is a brief biography of Sudipto Chatterjee: Continue reading

Satyameva : Part 1

Satinath Mukhopadhyay

Satinath Mukhopadhyay

Couple of years ago Satinath Mukhopadhyay, the famous radio artiste read my play “Satyameva” on one of the FM radio channels in Kolkata. The play was read in two parts. Here is the podcast of the first part.

Satyameva is one of my more popular plays. This play was first produced by ECTA in Kolkata at the Sujata Sadan and was performed on stage by Sankar Ghoshal and Indranil Mukherjee. Later in USA the play was staged again and this time Pinaki Datta and I was on the stage. In Kolkata the play was produced by Theater Workshop and directed by Ashok Mukhopadhyay and was performed by Ashok  Mukhopadyay and Krishnagati Chattopadhyay. Theater Workshop produced the play as “Jodiyo Golpo”. I’ll post the second part soon.

EBC Radio Drama Club

Recently, I was invited by Kulraaj Anand of EBC Radio to initiate a drama club for the radio.  Since my childhood days, I was always fascinated by radio drama. Growing up in a small town, we didn’t have much of live stage theater available to us easily. Radio drama was one of the greatest source of entertainment and nourishment for my imagination. I loved radio drama so much, that I would never miss a single broadcast, for whatever reason. So, this opportunity gave me a chance to get up close and personal with radio drama. On March 30th we had the premiere broadcast of the show, and in the podcast below you’ll get a chance to listen to the show if you missed the chance of tuning in at 12:00noon last Saturday to 1170 AM. This was our first attempt and we had made a few mistakes. But that’s what happens in a live show. We’ll try to minimize the mistakes in our future shows.

We plan to continue this show every other week. The show will not only feature radio dramas, but also story readings, discussions, reviews and previews of local theatre, interviews with actors/directors/producers etc.  If you have any comments or suggestions  please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Part 1: (Opening remarks, World Theater Day, Play Reading by Nupur Lahiri)

Part 2: (Call-in, Story reading by Sudipta Bhawmik)

So you want to laugh?

Dance Pe Chance

Dance Pe Chance

Our theater group ECTA is known to our audience as creators of serious theater – theater which makes us think, makes us to introspect and makes us a bit more engaged with our fellow members of the community. This however does not mean we don’t like to have fun. Over the years, many of our audience members have  requested us to produce a full blown comedy that would cause a laugh riot in the theater. And we listened. So this year we are staging not one, but two comedies that will make you laugh like you have never laughed before – “Dance Pe Chance” and “Banijye Basate Lakshmi”. Continue reading